Autor: James Knowlton.
Descripción: Script que busca un patrón de archivos y al encontrarlo presenta los archivos y sus permisos UGO correspondientes. Básicamente desarrolla 3 tareas: Obtiene el patrón de búsqueda, realiza la búsqueda de archivos y presenta los resultados en pantalla
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import stat, sys, os, string, commands
#Getting search pattern from user and assigning it to a list
#run a 'find' command and assign results to a variable
pattern = raw_input("Enter the file pattern to search for:\n")
commandString = "find " + pattern
commandOutput = commands.getoutput(commandString)
findResults = string.split(commandOutput, "\n")
#output find results, along with permissions
print "Files:"
print commandOutput
print "================================"
for file in findResults:
print "\nPermissions for file ", file, ":"
for level in "USR", "GRP", "OTH":
for perm in "R", "W", "X":
if mode & getattr(stat,"S_I"+perm+level):
print level, " has ", perm, " permission"
print level, " does NOT have ", perm, " permission"
print "There was a problem - check the message above"
Permisos: chmod 700
Ejecución: ./ [ Patrón a buscar ]
Ejemplo: ./ j*.py
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