Descripción: Reduce la calidad de imagen de archivos.
Autor: soleilpqd[at]gmail[dot]com
Licencia: GNU GPL
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#!/bin/bash function doCompress() { if [ $overwritable -eq 1 ] && [ ! -e "_compressed" ]; then mkdir "_compressed" if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then zenity --error --title="Compress image" --text="Can not create destination folder" exit 1 fi fi failedCount=0 tmp=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for f in $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS; do s=$( identify -format "%m" "$f" ) if [ "$s" == "JPEG" ]; then if [ $overwritable -eq 1 ]; then dest="_compressed/$( basename "$f" )" else dest=$f fi echo "Proccessing $f" convert "$f" -quality $ratio "$dest" if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then let failedCount++ fi else let failedCount++ fi done IFS=$tmp if [ $failedCount -eq 0 ]; then zenity --info --title="Compress image" --text="All files was compressed successfully" else zenity --warning --title="Compress image" --text="There were $failedCount files failed" fi } # checking input file & get 1 file to preview simple imgAvailable=0 tmp=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for f in $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS; do s=$( identify -format "%m" "$f" ) if [ "$s" == "JPEG" ]; then imgAvailable=1 previewFile=$f break fi done IFS=$tmp if [ $imgAvailable -eq 0 ]; then zenity --error --title="Compress images" --text="Please select JPEG file(s)" exit 1 fi zenity --question --title="Compress images" --text="Overwrite the original file?" overwritable=$? zenity --question --title="Compress images" --text="Preview?" previewable=$? stopable=0 ratio=90 while [ $stopable -eq 0 ]; do # Ask for compress ratio ratio=$( zenity --scale --title="Compress images ratio" --text="High number make high quality image but big file size" --min-value=1 --max-value=100 --value=$ratio ) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ $previewable -eq 0 ]; then previewedFile=$( echo "/tmp/$( basename "$previewFile" )") if [ -e "$previewedFile" ]; then rm "$previewedFile" fi convert "$previewFile" -quality $ratio "$previewedFile" | zenity --progress --title="Making preview..." --auto-close --no-cancel --pulsate gvfs-open "$previewedFile" zenity --question --title="Agree with ratio $ratio?" --text="Origin: $( du -h "$previewFile" ). Result: $( du -h "$previewedFile" )." if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then doCompress | zenity --progress --title="Compressing..." --auto-close --no-cancel --pulsate stopable=1 fi rm "$previewedFile" else doCompress | zenity --progress --title="Compressing..." --auto-close --no-cancel --pulsate stopable=1 fi else stopable=1 fi done
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